Hackers Meet-Up 2020
Hackers are Ready, Are You ?
Venue: Ahmedabad Management Association. H. T Parekh Hall , AMA Management House, ATIRA Campus, Dr. Vikram Sarabhai Marg, Ahmedabad 380015.
Date: 19 January, 2020
Timings: 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Hackers Meet-Up : An Initiative by Pristine InfoSolutions
Pristine Infosolutions started Hackers Meet-up in December 2016 with the intention of spreading Information Security Awareness as well as gaining it from different individuals from the group by planning Tech Talks exhibited by various Geeks with respect to Information Security growing consistently.
Our Hackers community shares the vision of creating a more secure cyber space by exchanging information on the next-generation cyber-attacks, offensive and defensive security technologies and unknown cyber threats.
Hackers Meet-up is exclusively designed to create a mutual platform for aspiring hackers, security experts and the students to come together and share knowledge on latest hacks, attacks, cyber-crime and how to secure the cyber world.
Hackers Meet-Up Benefits
- Learn new technologies
- Improvise your speaker skills
- Opportunity to highlight yourself
- Certificate from Pristine InfoSolutions
- Goodies for top 3 winners
Why to Attend ?
Connect and engage with the people that will make the biggest difference to the future. Networking will help you build and cement business relationships and explore new opportunities.